BBDO Brussels办公室,布鲁塞尔 / ZAmpone Architectuur

ZAmpone Architectuur
饰面板 木材 金属 玻璃

Brussels Interior design 室内设计 布鲁塞尔

BBDO 创意机构位于布鲁塞尔Sint-Jans-Molenbeek的一栋保护建筑内。建筑于1999年完成了第一次改造,将后部的仓库改为办公室空间。由于进行了内部重组,BBDO委托ZAmpone为他们在Brussels设计一个新办公空间。优化空间设计需要一项基本干预措施:将主入口移到建筑的一侧,与停车场相连。建筑中央三层高的大厅不仅仅是一个交通空间,还向人们展示着公司内部的创意“核心”。

Creative agency BBDO occupies a large, protected building in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek (Brussels). The first renovation of the warehouses in the back of the building, into an office space succeeded in 1999. As a result of a number of internal reorganisations of the company, BBDO commissioned ZAmpone to develop a new spatial concept for their office in Brussels. A basic intervention is necessary to optimize the design: the main entrance is moved to the side of the building, which is connected to the parking. The enormous hall in the middle of the building becomes therefore more than just a circulation space. The three-level high hall, gives you an insight into the creative ‘heart’ of the company.

▼办公空间大厅概览,overview of the office hall


▼三层高的大厅向人们展示公司内部的创意“核心”,the three-level high hall gives you an insight into the creative ‘heart’ of the company


▼主入口位于建筑一侧,main entrance is moved to the side of the building

▼入口前台,reception area

Depending on the current economic reality, efficient use of space, and therefore a higher capacity, is an important condition of the assignment. ZAmpone commemorates the ‘open space’ according to three principles: dynamics, acoustics and daylight.In the ‘new way of working’ it is not space but the human being who moves and adapts to the situation: a dynamic user in a static building. ZAmpone does not only create space that makes its possible but also proposes a financial construction to finance the new project: BBDO empties the superfluous square meters, and spaces such as reception and cafeteria are used in common. That is also dynamics.Delineating and defining noisy zones is a second important principle within the design. In the ‘open workspace’ the sound is kept under control by only allowing meetings in the provided cells. Meet and chat takes place in the restaurant, on the tribune and around the circulation tubes.Daylight is a third important factor. It is known that employees operate better in spaces with natural light and a great view on a beautiful (urban) landscape. New workspaces are being organized close to the windows and around the central vide. Meeting rooms are not provided with daylight to limit the occupation time. The long-term ‘nesting’ is thereby avoided.

▼入口前方是公共餐厅空间,the cafeteria space is in front of the entrance

▼用餐空间内部,the cafeteria

▼食品吧台,catering bar


The orthogonality of the building is broken with diagonal inteventions. Triangular zones create new, more interesting views. The diagonal idea also manifests itself in the great tribunes where the CEO’s hold an informal meeting, inspiring discussions, presentations and lectures, or where a library animates the reception area.The ground floor accomodates collective functions which are shared with other companies in the building. The restaurant, the tribune and the meeting rooms are used collectively.

▼三角形看台打破了空间的正交形态,triangular tribune breaks the orthogonality of the building

▼三角形区域也是举行非正式会议、启发性讨论会、演讲和讲座以及图书馆和前台区,the triangular area is a space for an informal meeting, inspiring discussions, presentations and lectures, and also where a library animates the reception area

▼结构细节,the construction detail

▼地板上三角形装饰,the  triangular decoration on the roof


On the first floor, around the vide and the centre of the building, the creative ‘heart’ of BBDO is located behind an indoor window and visible from every floor. The visitor is fully drawn into the internal workings of the office. The other services on this floor were carefully organized, interactions develop automatically.

▼二层办公区域位于室内窗户的后面,the working space on the first floor is located behind an indoor window

▼围帘分隔的办公区域,working zones divided by curtains

▼休憩区域,leisure area


The most dynamic team of BBDO is housed on the second floor. These users travel throughout the day between different services and teams, so maximum occupation never occurs here.

▼三层开放办公空间,the open working space on the second floor

▼三层充满趣味的室内一角,interesting space design in the working area

▼工作单元小隔间,working cell

▼会议室,meeting rooms

